Nigerian born Solomon Izang Ashoms is on a mission to clean up South African churches

According to Solomon Izang Ashom, there are pastors, prophets and there are spiritual gangsters who pose as man of God and manipulate as well as deceive people. Solomon is often invited to speak about false prophets in the media. Here he was at the radio 702 Unfortunately, thousands of South Africans fall prey to these "false" prophets and flock into their rented church buildings and tents hoping to get an instant miracle or breakthrough in their health and finances. Izang Ashoms is every false prophets nightmare To stage their miracle, they recruit desperate job seekers in Hillbrow, Johannesburg and other parts of poverty stricken areas to find actors who can deceive the flock into believing they have instantly release from the bondage of being wheelchair bound and of course it was through this "man of God". Through biblical scriptures such as 1 Chronicles 16:22 DO NOT TOUCH MY ANOINTED ONES, DO MY PROPHETS NO HARM. They instill fear to those that...