Bracken High will get its R750 000 netball court....Vumani Bo!!

VUMANI BOOOO!!!! As the ancestor of Bracken High class of 2000. I want to prophecy.... So,can I get an Amen!!! From the readers of this blog. Those who are Christians and those who are not....Just say, Aaaamen!!!! Or better yet, can we do this the African style way....I say, Vumani Bo!!! Can all those who believe that the ancestors of South Africa can make things happen, say Siyavuma. I say, Vumani Boo!!! Well my fellow readers, a couple of months ago. My son and I visited Bracken High school... Vumani Bo!!! On our visit, we met a young white gentleman by the name of of Nick Nunes.... Vumani Bo!!! Nick is the founder of Go Alumni. This is an online platform that is set up to link past and present learners of the school based in Alberton Area, Gauteng South Africa....Vumani Bo!!! This gentleman, who also hails in the Alberton area, told us of his plans to revive the now deteriorating Bracken High School structure with the help of past students... Vumani Bo!!! ...