Time for accountability in our land

It has been such a looong time since I started writing here. I mean, my last article was published on May 2020 after a visit to the famous township of Soweto. I remember that year, I had a blast and was excited about the new stories I was founding here in the this city of gold. I must admit, personally. I was also going through a lot and didn't know where the hatred came from. I mean, I've always been a nice girl raised up in church and have all mannners in check. So who would dare touch me? A God loving woman, prayerful woman? A multi-award-winning journalist whose work has been published in Ilizwi, Herald,Sowetan, Sunday Times and even had a stint in the Mail and Guardian's Amabhungane investigative journalist centre. I mean, I am a South African legend in this industry. A veteran of the struggle and I can sniff and root out a corrupt company, government officials etc a miles away. I am a trained but now self appointed country's top security guard. A veteran of the struggle. And if I am not mistaken, even God the creator of heaven and earth is so impressed with my work right now.
He might replace or add me in his holy book, ie The New Creation Testament Bible. So that South Africans can have something they can relate to when they read the scriptures. Just like the jews have the book of Esther in the old Testament, fair right? I guess, you must be wondering where I have been? I mean I need to accountable to you readers for the almost four years I've been not scribbling any of your favourite articles. I know you do not pay me yet, but I still think I am accountable to you for disappearing for so long. Right now, I know my story will sound like those black brothers, who vanish from their homes with bonuses on December 16 only to reappear in their homes second week of January flat broke. Or those Sandton brothers that lie on pay weekend telling girlfriends in Sandton they were arrested for drunken driving on William Nicole Drive, now known as Winnie Madikizela Mandela Drive. Only o discover, the only house arrest was with his regte on 7th Avenue Alexandra township having loads of fun. I mean real fun, trust me, theres something about Alexandra Township ladies that keeps men hooked. I seriously don't know what it is', but if I am lucky enough to interview former president of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, one day. I will ask him the secrete cause MaM Zanele Dlamini Mbeki is from Alexandra Township and has done tremendous work here.
But be happy readers, I was not kidnapped by Aliens or relocated to the Alien Nation TV Series. On a serious note though,as a veteran of the struggle, I was still haunted by apartheid ghost. Things that I thought were dead and buried in 1994 were not for some. To the point that my beloved country's image was tarnished. The whole world knew us as a xenophobic nation.... I mean can you imagine that? I remember when I was still in the newsroom and thinking it was all true. I mean pictures of a Mozambican man burnt alive were splashed all over for the world to see how inhumane, my people were. So was the others that followed, to make things worse, these were happening right here in the vibrant colourful, multicultural, multi racial township that I happen to experienced its love growing up. With the noise of the newsroom, journalist chasing deadline, there was no time to seat and reflect on why it happened.... I mean the real roots of the problem without being shunned as blaming everything on apartheid. The pictures and videos were enough evidence to support any work, especially if you have not been around for more than twenty years and your reliable sources were your colleagues... I mean we were all professionals right? No propaganda right? Well... Thats how the church girl first thought until I went on a journey of discovering who I was really. So, I did a lot of reading and one of the books I read was Helen Zille's Not Without a fight. According to her book, shes half German and half Jewish. In the book, I learnt how she neutrilised many clever blacks who moved to the surbubs after 1994. With her most targetted victims being those that came from exile.
Ms Zille also openly tells her readers how she mastered teh power of gossip since childhood to enforce social norms. How she used that to destroy people's reputation over night and knowing exactly that it took years to restore. To my surprise, Helen is from Hilbrow and went to a school right next door to me St Mary's for girls. She coppied the ways to control people. Often used by these fake pastors who instil fear on and their job prospects using Bible verses to support their abusive behavior. Oscar an accident waiting to happen and Reeva Steenkamp by her mom June Steenkamp.
Now I know exactly who has been behind my torture. Worse, I live in the DA controlled ward that is full of illegal immigrant who are clueless on the South African laws. I've also been reading Trevor Noah's Born a Crime many times trying to figure out what happened to Mam Patricia Noah and guess what.... The DA and Helen are to blame for some of that mess too.
Bassie my Journey of hope was another book and Good Morning Mr President by Zelda le Grange.
All these book paint a picture of why South Africa is in this mess. Its time for Helen to take responsibility. I had time to go around Alexandra Township and I can tell you the root of all this, hatred.
Theres someone who wants to tarnish everything that Bab'Linda Twala has worked so hard for all these years painting his people as xenophobic yet these are people who came through the back door, undocumented with a mission to kill and destroy what was build over the years.
I doubt if theres any African leader, who will instruct his people to go and destroy by another black men.Often, all these people calling South Africans Xenophobic are not proud to display who they really are. You do not even know why they are in South Africa and often, they are found loitering doing nothing at all accept gossipping and torturing South Africans. Now that we know the root cause, African leaders need to take responsibility for their own as well. Church leaders as well as we, South Africans cannot take it any longer. Theres absolutely nothing xenophobic when you ask for respect or else leave. Worse these are the people who don't mind killing or force girls into prostitutions. They have an I don't care attitude and the DA seems to have known about this for so long but blaming the African National Congress. Helen has full details to those who tried to challenge them but that time is over. Everyone must now take responsibility for their mess and be accountable even with the Fifa 2010 soccer world cup
As for me..... I am still in the beads business, studying ministry at JBC. I still document every day life on You Tube and now Tik Tok and still sell ice guava juice and oh by the way....
Welcome to my blog. Please do follow me on these following social media platforms: Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@khanyikuhle https://www.tiktok.com/@khanyikuhle/video/7405237718491368710?lang=fil-PH Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/khanyiswa.ndabeni.5/ https://www.instagram.com/khanyiswasa/ https://twitter.com/ndabenik?lang=en X: You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpHw2f6NKHt93rkEiNAWKQw Linkden: https://za.linkedin.com/in/khanyiswa-ndabeni-8256b620 http://africanbeadsstories.blogspot.com/


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